Got Hail?

Hailstorms can leave many commercial property managers and workers scrambling to try and fix their leaking roofs. The process of making emergency repairs and having conversations with insurance adjusters will begin and often, to protect property and tenants, decisions must be made quickly.

In Texas, there is no such thing as state licensing for residential or commercial roofers nor is any insurance required by many municipalities. Literally anyone can buy a truck and call themselves a roofing company. Selecting the wrong contractor can be a huge problem.


step one: qualify your contractors

  • Insurance Certificate - Insist on receiving directly from their agent to prevent fraud, insist on $2 Million+ and Worker’s Comp.

  • Proof of Contractor Registration & Permit with the Local City - City Inspectors will inspect their work for code compliance.

  • Local Job Reference - Will they be here after the storm?

  • Bank & Credit References - Financial Stability & Local Suppliers.


Step two: Stop the leaking

  • Don’t drag your feet - contact your insurance if you suspect damage.

  • Find a local qualified roofing company to perform emergency repairs.

  • Have your roofing company take lots of photos and save core samples prior to the repairs for the adjuster.


Step three: Develop a scope of work

  • Work with your insurance company to develop a scope of work.

  • Your insurance company is responsible for ensuring that your roof is restored to a pre-storm condition with like kind and quality materials.