The Impact of June Heat on Commercial Roofing:

What Business Owners Need to Know

As the summer season begins to make its presence felt, bringing longer days and, more significantly, increased temperatures. For commercial property owners, this shift in weather can have a substantial impact on the roofing systems that protect their investments. Understanding how heat affects commercial roofing and taking proactive measures can help ensure longevity and efficiency, saving time and money in the long run.

The Heat Is On: June's Unique Challenges

June often marks the beginning of the hottest period of the year, especially in many parts of the United States. As temperatures rise, commercial roofs face several challenges:

  1. Thermal Expansion and Contraction:

    • Roofing materials expand in the heat and contract when temperatures drop at night. This constant movement can cause materials to weaken, crack, or even break over time.

  2. UV Radiation:

    • Ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun are particularly intense during summer months. Prolonged exposure can degrade roofing materials, making them brittle and less effective at protecting the building.

  3. Increased Wear and Tear:

    • High temperatures can accelerate the aging process of roofing materials, leading to faster wear and tear. This is especially true for asphalt-based roofing systems.

Key Considerations for Commercial Roofing in June

To mitigate the impact of June's heat on commercial roofing, consider the following factors:

  1. Material Selection:

    • Different roofing materials respond to heat in various ways. Reflective roofing materials, like TPO (Thermoplastic Olefin) and cool roofing membranes, are designed to reflect more sunlight and absorb less heat, keeping the building cooler and reducing thermal stress.

  2. Insulation:

    • Proper insulation can help regulate the temperature within the building and protect the roof from extreme temperature fluctuations. It also contributes to energy efficiency, lowering cooling costs during hot months.

  3. Ventilation:

    • Adequate ventilation helps to dissipate heat that builds up under the roofing system, preventing damage from excessive heat buildup. Ensure that your roof has proper vents and that they are not blocked or damaged.

  4. Regular Inspections:

    • Schedule regular inspections, especially before and after the peak summer months. Professional inspections can identify potential problems early, allowing for timely repairs before they become major issues.

  5. Maintenance:

    • Conduct routine maintenance to address minor issues like cracks, leaks, and sealant failures. Regular maintenance extends the life of your roofing system and ensures it performs optimally.

Proactive Steps for June

  1. Reflective Coatings:

    • Applying reflective coatings to your commercial roof can significantly reduce heat absorption, keeping the building cooler and reducing thermal strain on the roofing materials.

  2. Repair and Replace Damaged Areas:

    • Address any damaged areas promptly to prevent further deterioration. Summer storms can exacerbate existing issues, leading to costly repairs if not dealt with in a timely manner.

  3. Energy-Efficient Upgrades:

    • Consider upgrading to energy-efficient roofing systems or materials that can help reduce cooling costs and improve overall building performance during hot months.

  4. Employee Training:

    • Ensure that your maintenance staff is trained to recognize signs of heat-related damage and knows how to perform basic maintenance tasks to keep the roof in good condition.

Empire Roofing: Your Partner in Commercial Roofing

When it comes to protecting your commercial property from the summer heat, Empire Roofing is here to serve with any commercial roofing needs. Our team of experts is equipped with the knowledge and tools to ensure your roofing system remains robust and efficient throughout the hottest months. Whether you need regular maintenance, inspections, repairs, or complete roof replacements, Empire Roofing is committed to delivering top-quality service tailored to your specific needs.


June's heat can pose significant challenges for commercial roofing, but with the right strategies and proactive measures, business owners can protect their investments and ensure their roofing systems remain durable and efficient. By selecting appropriate materials, ensuring proper insulation and ventilation, and committing to regular inspections and maintenance, you can mitigate the adverse effects of heat and enjoy a cool, cost-effective summer.

Taking these steps not only preserves the integrity of your commercial roof but also contributes to a more comfortable and productive environment for everyone within the building. So, as the temperatures rise, make sure your roof is ready to handle the heat. And remember, Empire Roofing is here to assist with any commercial roofing needs, ensuring your business is well-protected all year round.